Norman Felix Artists

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Norman Felix Inc. Art Gallery and Management strives to ensure satisfying and long-lasting careers for both established and emerging Independent Artists. All artists must be approved by our jury in order to qualify as a Norman Felix Artist. On a commission basis of 35% (upon final sale) we ethically and morally represent our artists’ best interest. Upon registration, Norman Felix Artists can begin gaining exposure through:

  • Art work(s) displayed in-house at our gallery
  • Participation in our prominent art walk shows and events
  • Exposure on our high traffic website in the Main Gallery

Norman Felix Artists can also benefit from our optional promotional services, designed to assist artists in career development. Although custom memberships are available, our standard memberships are suited for any career stage.

How to become a Norman Felix Artist
If you are interested in becoming a Norman Felix Artist, forward a brief and concise statement of your works including: your aspirations, a description of your works inherent attributes, its social, historical or political context, contact information and samples of your works to: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Artist Agreement

For Your Review: Artist Agreement To download a copy of our standard artist agreement for your review (last updated: 2009.03.09) click this link: Artist Agreement PDF [80k].Service Memberships