Norman Felix - Toronto, Canada: Art Gallery and Management, Featured Artists

featured artists | main gallery

Featuring Artists

- norman felix
Helena Frei
website: N/A
proficiencies: photographer, digital
biography / artist statement

- norman felix
Jason Fonceca
proficiencies: photographer, digital

- norman felix
Jessica Gorlicky
website: N/A
proficiencies: painter

- norman felix
Joel Black-Beatty

proficiencies: photographer, digital
biography / artist statement

norman felix
Marc Sorozan
website: N/A
proficiencies: painter, illustrator

norman felix
Marianne Katzman

proficiencies: painter

- norman felix
Melanie Day

proficiencies: painter

- norman felix
website: N/A
proficiencies: sculptor
biography / artist statement

- norman felix
Nyoka Bittschwan
proficiencies: painter

- norman felix
Tatyana Polukarova
website: N/A
proficiencies: painter
biography / artist statement

Norman Felix Artists

Featured Artists
Helena Frei
Jason Fonceca
Jessica Gorlicky
Joel Black-Beatty
Marc Sorozan
Marianne Katzman
Melanie Day
Nyoka Bittschwan
Tatyana Polukarova
Tori Mongrain

Coming Soon
Girl & The Machine
Caliden Robinson
Julie Himel